Function Reference


Creates a path from drive, directory, file name and file extension parts. Not all parts must be passed.
The path will still be built with what is passed. This doesn't check the validity of the path created, it could contain characters which are invalid on your filesystem.

#include <File.au3>
_PathMake ( $szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt )



$szDrive Drive (Can be UNC). If it's a drive letter, a : is automatically appended
$szDir Directory. A trailing slash is added if not found (No preceeding slash is added)
$szFName The name of the file
$szExt The file extension. A period is supplied if not found in the extension


Return Value

Returns the string containing the full path






_PathFull, _PathSplit, DirCreate, FileChangeDir



#include <file.au3>